Cover art by Marta Kucsora, photo courtesy of Postmasters ROMA, Photo credit: Giuliano Del Gatto.
Never deliberation by delimited cyclopian daring, but renewal as eschatalogical grammatical fragility thereby understanding its rhythmical invasion of itself, it’s very presence as runic kindling. Never as topical priority this beings runic kindling as celestial daring. Transmission scribbled over and over as dawn, runic procrastination, as assumptions by procrastination as limit. This being obscure element as exploded crystal being decimated river, diamond like, not according to ostentation, but by riddle ascending into paradox by wonderment imbibing psychic ozone, alive in itself as charismatic wonder, not as scrambled subsequent, as partial definition, flame-lit, being fragility nettling as oracle, being bells that transmute into curvature by arrow, into rhythmic feral opposition.
It’s partial sequence as chemistry, not unlike a dazed juridical vapour, of a clause that issues itself by hazardous epic as neologism, by trance that equates itself by lingual spell, unlike the state that is quotidian as structure. This being linguistic mesmerism as balance. Not messianic maze prone to indictment by didactic inclemence or mechanistic maze. As for endemic riddle it engages missing points, grandiose regalia never proclaiming with exterior dazzling, with monk-like reasoning that habitatuates with model by inference, by generalized circumference, that models its own essence that magnetizes unanimity. As essential riddle that exists by its desire, its own that tautologicalizes its own reference to endemic power, that canalizes its present state by its reception to its perpetual rising. Mesmerism as evolving essence yet for the protracted amongst our human dynamic there remains a messianic maze prone to indictment, to bubonic psychic riddling, always provoked by exterior dazzling. This is not unlike a mon-kish realm that utters its own displacement, by generalized circumference, that tends to gift it own tautology by a form of idealized idealized ideology. The latter rising from protracted lingual anaemia, by a form of restrictive horticultural spinning.
Being partially alive by destructive dalliance with its own demise it condenses into a flocked claritas sans endemic kinetic. Signaling over and over again its pre-measured routing, its repetition by deformed invincible detour. According to prevailing speculation there is pervasive pronouncement that reverts concerning its principle psychic metallics. It has devolved to a glare that attempts to subsume consciousness within the maze of its own stunted charismatic it morphs into psychic mirage being non-other than inoperable display. This being a didactic response to what is surmised to be the Divine, being non-other than a culminate restrictive magnitizing its own imbalance. Thus the culture by its sullen or restrictive addage provokes misnomer as urge that declares by its very nature sub-standard impact. At best there prevails a neutralizing glare, yet all the while procuring a decibel that seems to provoke higher range. A clause, a spiral that persists as anaemia. Only its spartan lingual carbon can provoke such stuttering heresy. This is not trial by honour but deficit by barren honour. A plagiarized impact, poverty by retaliatory riddle, that attempts to merge with miraculous blending by merging with a monomial gryphon. Not impact by rhythm but attempt by higher reasoning calculus. Thus static de-faunation of the mind reflected by the static residue that is quarrel. An externalized jaggedness by persistence that attempts to relugulate its cataclysm as conjoinmrnt with the infinite. Not its solemn reflection on its prior state according to self-inflated tendency, but as repetitive lingual doctrine. This enters into cloudy and barren evidence that suggests a cloudy and proclivitous scale sullen by de-enrichment. Not a germinal daylight of grace suffused by perpetual phantoms.
Here the organic poet unveils his or her being by spectral suffusion, by invisibly murals by clauses that rises from mysterious origins. Not a reprehensible dialectic, but a fantastic subsistence that subsumed its own erasure. Not by fore-grounded lingual epistle attempting to declare its highest grace as it harvests conundrums. Never as controlled daring or inevitable theocracy but impulse by fabulous glistening according to spectrums that magically rise from anomalous specks from the Sun.

Will Alexander (born 1948) is a poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, and visual artist. He was the recipient of a Whiting Fellowship for Poetry in 2001 and a California Arts Council Fellowship in 2002, in 2014 American Book Award for Singing In Magnetic Hoofbeat: Essays, Prose, Texts, Interviews, and a Lecture , and 2016 the Jackson Poetry Prize (awarded by Poets & Writers) .He earned a BA in English and creative writing from the University of California–Los Angeles in 1972. He has worked several jobs (including the LA Lakers box office), taught at various institutions, and has been associated with the nonprofit organization Theatre of Hearts/Youth First, working with underserved, at-risk youth. His work has appeared in BOMB, Boston Review, Entropy, Chicago Review, Denver Quarterly, Fence, jubilat, and The Nation.